For woolly wool-ophiles (you know who you are!), Jamieson’s Shetland yarns are the holy grail. Shorn from a diminutive breed of sheep that has stubbornly adapted to the rugged Shetland Isles in the North Sea, the hardy fleece is spun by a fifth generation mill family into a yarn that is springy, lofty and deceptively light weight. It has the perfect bounce-back for our Simple Straight Skirt and the right insulating properties for our Ribbed and Ruffled Tea Cozy. The complex heathered shades reflect the Scottish landscape perfectly. These are colors you’ll never tire of, perfect for heirloom projects. A word to the wise: Shetland wools transform utterly with a nice warm wet-blocking (we’ve seen ungainly, raw looking knitting become utterly gorgeous) so don’t skip this step.
50g, 100 yds(92m); 16-22 sts = 4″/10cm on US 6-8 (4-5mm).