“Mouse approved, Mouse preferred.”
For those piles of printed patterns, project notes, checklists, swatches, ball bands, care instructions, windings of repair yarn, extra buttons… our specially designed Churchmouse Pattern Binder is the jackpot.
We asked those brilliant craftsmen at Puget Bindery in Seattle to construct an extra wide, three-ring binder to accommodate the clear, plastic sleeves we like to slip our patterns into—no more punching holes in our printed patterns!
Nice and roomy, this binder uncomplicates organizing your patterns and your projects—we’re including five custom-sized, black, tabbed dividers to provide you with the ability to customize and sort your binder’s sections. (Sold separately, we offer a white gel pen so you can label your tabs as you like.) And there’s a little pocket in the back to house any extra notes you’d like to keep handy. These hand-built binders are covered in bookbinder’s linen and embossed with a subtle Churchmouse tea leaf on the front.
The Churchmouse Pattern Binder measures 11.4” (29 cm) tall and 11.8” (30 cm) wide, with a 2.2” (5.5 cm) wide spine.